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Classes are open to All, at anytime during the Schedule

CLASS:  12 JUNE 2018, TUESDAY, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm




Address:  2805 Bridgeport Way W #23, University Place, WA. 98466

Cost: $ 15


CLASS DESCRIPTION: Are you drawn to Sound?  Do you leave your body or go on journeys when hearing wind chimes or the beat of a drum?  Do you often sing your heart out when driving in the car, showering or in the presence of others? Do you have a singing bowl, rattle or drum but don’t have much experience using them?  Do you already work with Sound and often wonder how you can expand and use Sound to raise your vibration?  This class is for you!


This class is suitable for those with both no experience to moderate experience working with Sound.  Please bring any Sound instruments (singing bowls, drums, rattles) to this class.

In this class we will cover                       

-How Sounds affect us Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually

-Basic science behind Sound and Frequencies.  Common metaphysical uses of Sound.

-Covering the many different instruments that are commonly used in Sound Healing.

-Specific Sound techniques and demonstrations, including Voice, Crystal and Tibetan bowls, Shakers, Rattles, Drums, Gongs, Chimes and Tone Generators

-How to properly use/play/maintain your Sound instruments.  Please bring any singing bowls/striker, rattles or drums to the class as we will have “hands on” practice.

-How to incorporate Sound into your everyday life, including meditations and using Sound to manifest specific intentions or goals such as increasing personal prosperity, protection, health and building relationships.

-How to balance Chakra’s and Auras using Sound


CLASS ACTIVITY:  A short Sound Healing session using crystal singing bowls and students practicing with their own Sound instruments.


CLASS :  19 JUNE 2018 TUESDAY 6:00 pm-7:30 pm


LOCATION:  Mystic Sanctuary

Address:  2805 Bridgeport Way W #23, University Place, WA. 98466

Cost: $ 10




CLASS DESCRIPTION: Have you received a crystal as a gift or has it been suggested that you carry or purchase a crystal?  Once you have any crystals do you often think “What do I do with it now?” Do you already work with crystals and often wonder how you can expand and use them to their full potential?  This class is for you!

This class is suitable for those with both no experience to moderate experience working with crystals.  Feel free to bring any special crystals to this class.

This class will cover

-Crystal terminology and geography, common shapes.

-Popular crystals that are used for metaphysical use along with what crystals everyone should have.

-How to select, cleanse, consecrate, charge and activate crystals

-How to incorporate crystals into your everyday life, including meditations and creating crystal talismans for protection and healing.

-How to construct simple crystal grids to manifest specific intentions or goals such as increasing personal prosperity, protection, health and building relationships.


CLASS ACTIVITY:  Crystal meditation



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